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 Klimaaktiv Bundesförderung: überdachte Fahrradabstellplätze

Climate-active federal funding: covered bicycle parking spaces

Who is sponsored?

Funding is provided for all companies and other entrepreneurial organizations. Public regional authorities, associations and denominational institutions can also submit entries.


What can be funded 

  • Bicycle parking facility with a roof, eg bicycle boxes, "bicycle cages", racks

  • Refurbishment of existing bicycle parking facilities

  • Installation of one e-charging point per parking space

  • Retrofitting of bicycle parking facilities that are outside the public traffic area (buildings with residential units, workplaces or visitors)

funding rate

  • Bicycle parking facilities with €400/parking space or €700/parking space with e-charging point (limited to max. 30% of the acquisition costs (costs of the system as well as planning and assembly) and to 100 bicycles)

Submission Deadline


for a green infrastructure🍀

Climate and Energy Fund: Environmental funding for e-charging points or wall boxes

Who is sponsored?

Funding is provided for all companies and other entrepreneurial organizations. Public regional authorities, associations and denominational institutions can also submit entries.


What can be funded 

  • Establishment of e-charging points (posts or wallboxes) where only electricity from renewable energy sources is available as drive energy for electric vehicles. Each funded charging point must be individually secured.

  • From 2021, shops with public and non-public accessibility will be funded.

funding rate

  • depending on the type of facility and performance (e.g. publicly accessible fast charging point up to 100KW subsidy of up to €15,000 and 30% of the investment costs)

Submission Deadline

until 31.03.2022 

State of Salzburg

Traffic concepts for communities: strategic planning in the field of traffic and mobility

Who is sponsored?

The state of Salzburg supports the municipalities in strategic planning in the area of traffic and mobility with appropriate financial support for the development of traffic concepts. Every municipality in the federal state of Salzburg is entitled to apply for funding. Mergers of municipalities are also possible.

->Guide and further information

What can be funded 

  • Determination of municipal transport policy goals.

  • Development of a functional structure of the road and path network in the planning area, as well as the definition of suitable road and path cross-sections.

  • Problem analysis: o Pedestrian traffic o Bicycle traffic o Public traffic o Motorized individual traffic including stationary traffic

  • Analysis of measures: o Pedestrian traffic o Bicycle traffic o Public transport o Motorized individual traffic including stationary traffic o Ride-sharing/car sharing, bike sharing, micro public transport, etc.

  • In the course of processing the project, at least one appointment or workshop should take place that gives citizens the opportunity to participate or to bring in wishes, complaints and ideas

funding rate

  • Funding amount 50% of the costs

  • maximum €35,000

Submission Deadline


State of Salzburg

State funding for covered bicycle parking facilities at bus stops

Who is sponsored?

The state of Salzburg promotes the attractive equipment of public transport stops. Funding is available for measures at stops that are primarily served by scheduled motor vehicle traffic in the Salzburg Transport Association.


What can be funded 

  • Creation of covered bike racks in the bus stop area

  • Renovation or making an existing stop more attractive

  • Improvement of the information system at a bus stop

  • Increase in road safety for passengers in the bus stop area

  • Construction of a new station

funding rate

  • 20 to 33 percent of the chargeable net costs

  • The maximum amount of funding for a stop without a covered bicycle parking facility (Bike&Ride) is max. € 8,000.00

Submission Deadline

until 31.12.2022

State of Salzburg

"Fahr-Rad" advice for municipalities

Who is sponsored?

Salzburg municipalities 

->Guide and further information

Consultation process 

  • Kick-off event and basic check

  • bike inspection

  • Develop measures and improvements for everyday cycling

  • Result: implementation plan tailored to the municipality

funding rate

  • ¾ of the consulting costs

info + contact

Ursula Hemetsberger, Bicycle Traffic Officer for the State of Salzburg, Michael-Pacher-Str. 36, 5020 Salzburg,, Tel: 0662 8042 4199

State of Salzburg

State funding for retrofitting covered bicycle parking facilities

Who is sponsored?

Funding is provided for all companies and other entrepreneurial organizations. Public regional authorities, associations and denominational institutions can also submit entries.


What can be funded 

  • Covered bicycle parking facilities on non-public property 

  • for buildings erected before January 1st, 2000

  • in buildings with more than 3 residential units and/or more than 10 workplaces and/or more than 20 training places and/or more than 40 customers per day

funding rate

  • The amount of funding is 200 euros per parking space, but is limited to 30 percent of the eligible costs. A maximum of 10 parking spaces per company or residential building are funded.

Submission Deadline

until April 30, 2022

State of Salzburg

State subsidy for bicycle parking near buildings

Who is sponsored?

The state of Salzburg grants a subsidy of €100 per parking space (max. 30 percent) for the construction of covered bicycle parking facilities for buildings that have to be constructed according to the Building Technology Act. This applies to buildings whose last building permit was issued before October 1, 2021.


What can be funded 

  • Investments for the construction of covered bicycle parking facilities in multi-party residential buildings, buildings of companies and associations in the state of Salzburg, which according to the Construction Technology Act must construct bicycle parking spaces (buildings with more than 5 apartments, shops, offices, etc.) and whose last building permit was issued before October 1st, 2021 became.

  • Bicycle parking facilities must be set up outside the public traffic area.

  • Bicycle parking facilities must be close to the building entrance and be barrier-free. The

  • Refurbishment of existing bicycle parking facilities (bicycle racks of appropriate quality) can be funded if this results in an improvement in quality.

funding rate

  • The amount of funding is 100 euros per parking space, but is limited to 30 percent of the eligible costs. A maximum of 20 parking spaces per company or building will be funded.

Submission Deadline

October 1, 2023

State of Salzburg

State funding for retrofitting covered bicycle parking facilities

Who is sponsored?

Funding is provided for all companies and other entrepreneurial organizations. Public regional authorities, associations and denominational institutions can also submit entries.


What can be funded 

  • Covered bicycle parking facilities on non-public property 

  • for buildings erected before January 1st, 2000

  • in buildings with more than 3 residential units and/or more than 10 workplaces and/or more than 20 training places and/or more than 40 customers per day

funding rate

  • The amount of funding is 200 euros per parking space, but is limited to 30 percent of the eligible costs. A maximum of 10 parking spaces per company or residential building are funded.

Submission Deadline

until April 30, 2022

Federal Office for Goods Transport: Special program city and country 

Who is sponsored?

Cities and municipalities are eligible to apply.

->Funding guideline

What can be funded 

  • the new, conversion and expansion of cycle paths along the road that are separated from motor vehicle traffic as far as possible, as well as cycle lanes, independent cycle paths, cycle streets and cycle zones, cycle path bridges or underpasses, of junctions that provide for a completely secure routing of cycle traffic and/or consistently eliminate obstacles to view, and the construction of protective islands and/or clearly advanced stop lines,

  • the construction, conversion and expansion of stationary traffic facilities for bicycles and cargo bikes,

  • operational measures to optimize the flow of traffic for bicycle traffic and

  • the creation of necessary cycle traffic concepts by third parties if at least one investment measure is implemented and funded as a result.

funding rate

  • The amount of the grant is up to75 percentyour eligible expenses.

  • As a financially weak municipality, you can receive up to 90 percent of your eligible expenses.

Submission Deadline


 Klimaaktiv Bundesförderung: überdachte Fahrradabstellplätze

Future - Environment - Society: Climate protection through cycling

Who is sponsored?

All legal entities under public and private law are eligible to apply. The respective municipality is entitled to apply for municipal companies without their own legal personality.

Federal states and their institutions as well as state-owned companies are not eligible to apply (this does not apply to universities).

->Funding guideline

What can be funded 

  • Bundle of measures that together generate an increased volume of bicycle traffic and encourage citizens to cycle (e.g. expansion of bicycle axles in combination with bicycle parking facilities, charging and repair stations. Individual measures are not eligible for funding)

  • From the draft window of March 1st to April 30th, 2021, the expenses for shared footpaths and cycle paths are also eligible for funding without deductions for the use of footpaths

  • For sketches submitted from September 1st, 2021, cycle paths on service roads will only be funded if they are or will be designated as public traffic areas in accordance with the relevant road law. 

  • The funded measures should have a regional model character, in particular with regard to a climate-friendly and bicycle-friendly redesign of the street space, the construction of necessary and additional bicycle traffic infrastructure and the establishment of local bicycle traffic services.

funding rate

  • up to 75 percent of the total eligible expenditure, for demonstrably financially weak municipalities up to 90 percent

  • Grants are made in the form of project funding as a non-repayable grant

  • Minimum grants €200,000 for the entire project and at least €50,000 for a sub-project

Submission Deadline

  • 01 Mar 2022 to 30 Apr 2022

  • Sep 01 2022 to 31 Oct 2022

  • 01 Mar 2023 to Apr 30, 2023

  • Sep 01 2023 to 31 Oct 2023

  • 01 Mar 2024 to Apr 30, 2024

  • Sep 01 2024 to 31 Oct 2024

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